A girl with a plan...sort of.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

uhhhh....wait a minute!

Oh boy. I laugh at the fact that I used terms, like "hell week" not that long ago. Apparently, it's hell semester? I have breaks for about a day where I can let the contents in my head re-solidify and then I'm back to the grind. But this is what I want to do and I signed up for the four year beating after getting my Bachelor's, so who am I to complain, eh?

One of my classmates posted on Facebook that we have six weeks left, not counting the week we're in right now. I find that very exciting and equally horrifying. I was just happy Thanksgiving was almost here. I hadn't even had a chance to process that the semester was really almost over. At this rate, pharmacy school will be wrapped up before I know it. I still need to visit my community pharmacy four more times and I haven't even started on my hospital visits. I'm still patiently waiting for my preceptor to make some room in his schedule.

It seems that I'm working on all the holidays so far. I work a very early shift on Halloween, which is fine really. We don't really do anything for that holiday. I'm working Thanksgiving. Again. It's fine. We don't have family here, other than my school family, so I bought a little turkey breast from CostCo for me and B. We'll see what happens for Christmas. We don't have plans to head home for the holidays. A white Christmas anyone? We can only hope. For some reason, it wants to stay warm in Denver this year. I demand some snow!

Ok. Now to start on my to-do list with 100 projects on it...

Friday, October 8, 2010


I survived hell week at school. Insert a big fat sigh of relief right here!

Today I went to the Convention Center in downtown Denver and took part in an event called STEMapalooza. It was a really good time! Kids are so cute...and sort of scary. Am I getting old or am I more conservative than I thought? I saw kids with full sleeves of tribal tattoos (not to mention his matching alcohol monitoring device) and girls with more facial piercing that I've ever seen. And kids today have a very *specific* look. I don't know exactly how to describe it, but it involves a lot of backcombing of their hair, silky pink bows, lots of really thick badly applied liquid eyeliner and skinny jeans that are so tight, I'm sure their toes don't have anything feeling. Ok. Now that I have clearly made myself out to be 80...

When I got home, B mentioned sushi sounded good. And he was right. Oh man did we eat sushi. om nom nom nom. Then we headed to Whole Foods to get some yummy french bread to make french toast on Sunday. We also picked up some chicken apple sausage. Breakfast has quickly become one of my favorite meals of the day. Somehow ice cream and chocolate sauce made their way into our cart. I have no idea how!

Tomorrow I will be participating in my first health fair. Oh boy! It's at a local church in a not so great neighborhood. I'm just really glad to know that we will be impacting the lives of people who don't have consistent access to health care. I'll be monitoring blood pressure and possibly make my way over to cholesterol screenings. I'm looking forward to this a lot.

I also found out this week that I was matched up with my first choice for hospital preceptors! Very big deal. I've had growing interest in cardiovascular health, blood pressure management and cholesterol. And this is what my preceptor specializes in. SCORE! More to come on that as the visits start...

I think this weekend I'm going to take a deep breath, leisurely get ahead on some stuff for school and sleep in at least on Sunday. Maybe I'll actually take my sewing machine out of it's box. It's only been in there for a year. ::sigh::

Monday, October 4, 2010

So we meet again, Monday...

Well this weekend just came and left, didn't it? Before I get into my review of the awesome show I saw this weekend, I thought I'd ponder the topic of just how quickly time is flying for me. Sometimes I get rather frustrated when I stop and think about how many things I'm/we're putting on hold for me to finish my education: the house, the kids, B getting his degree...I was really down about it when this academic year started. A phone call with my mom a few weeks back really put things into perspective and it was so simple and obvious. After letting me vent, she said,"You will be happier in the end because these things are so special and you can devote all of your time and attention to them. Look how fast time is flying! It seems like you just started school and now you're talking about dressing up for a Halloween function at the hospital." She was so right. It's already October! Sometimes I lose perspective. Isn't it funny how phone calls to your mom can sometimes make it all better?

I spent a good deal of last Friday studying (tis life, I'm afraid). On Saturday morning, I got up early because I was anticipating an epic evening and needed to get more studying in. I probably only focused for about 3 hours and spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out with B, which I never get enough of. Then we headed out to Pepsi Center to see Muse!! Ah! I'll start by saying I've always loved European/British bands. I have since I was really young. In fact, I follow Oasis on Facebook and they posted something a few days back about "What's the Story, Morning Glory?" coming out 15 years ago. 15 YEARS AGO?! Good grief. I remember getting it when it came out. I felt old...just for a second. But then I was thankful that I had music that I had enjoyed for so long since so many artists these days seem very transient. We had really great seats to the show and it was purely by chance. The show was fantastic! I can honestly say I'd see them again and again.

I was home from the concert at a decent hour and had to be up the next day, bright and early for work. Yay! I love my job so it wasn't too horrible. A few coworkers make loving my internship harder on some days and Sunday was one of those days. But I was able to finish up and make it home in decent time (I work about 40 minutes from my apartment). I studied and made it up for an exam on this lovely Monday. I have one more exam tomorrow. It can only get better from there, right?

Friday, October 1, 2010

And just like that, she disappears!

Originally uploaded by refuse2bdefined
Ok. I'm a bad little blogger, but honestly, it had to take a backseat for a few days...or a week...or whatever. School has been nothing short of nuts! Recently our curriculum when through an overhaul that on paper, didn't really seem like a big deal. Last year, our exams were on Mondays only. That's all we did. Exam at 9am. No other tests scheduled? Done for the day. I never realized how nice that made my life. Monday test days are a thing of the past and our tests are now sprinkled all over. I knew this year would be kicked up, but with the tests all about during the week, I've never felt so pulled every which direction in all my life. Luckily, B is being really supportive and listening to me complain that I feel like my head is going to explode. I've been focusing so much and studying, I don't feel like my grades are a true reflection of my effort. And for the record, I hate hate hate multiple choice tests. And they hate me. True facts. Let's just say the test we just had on hypertension...the multiple choice section? I technically did NOT pass it. Luckily on the written portion I scored 98%. Same material. That nice little number pushed my total score into the passing range. Phew.

But enough about that crap.

I've always been a firm believer in balance. It's so difficult with school to obtain this all the time, but I really do put forward the effort. Let's talk about the fun things I've done to maintain some balance, shall we?

A few days back, B and I attended a pre-season NHL game. I love hockey. B loves hockey. But our allegiance is to St. Louis. That's right Avs fans. We're routing for the Blues. B has been a fan for years. I was a big fan of the Avs way back in the days of Roy, but to be honest, my knowledge of the current team is very limited. The Blues? I can name off nearly the entire roster. We had amazing seats to the game and we won! We scored the same seats to the game in November too and I think we may try to get the same seats in January. Nine rows back from the glass? You can't go wrong.

Tomorrow we will be seeing Muse, a band I love love love. I am so excited about this. They were supposed to play here outside Denver back in April, but the gig was snowed out. I had no idea. I was so bummed because in April our program was really going full speed ahead and the responsible student in me decided not to go. Then someone in my class posted on Facebook that Muse would be here in October and I was very confused. Who tours the same city twice in a year? Those who are stopped by Mother Nature apparently. A little Google-fu told me they never played and were making it up at a much bigger venue. YAY!

I'm trying to be very involved in school extracurricular activities as well. I sit on a school committee as the student representative for my class. I also participate in a three other student organizations focused on health care and pharmacy in various aspects. I recently attended a training session on how to work at a health fair. I'm working at my first one the Saturday after next! The day before that? Volunteering at a convention downtown to get elementary school kids pumped about science and math :) Did I mention I'm certified to give immunizations now? I never thought I'd be able to do that without passing out, but it's really not bad at all. I'm also pledging Greek! Yikes. Me? Yes, me. It's a totally different monster in professional school. Promise! I'm also assisting with interview day for the class of 2015 this month too! AND AND AND...I'm volunteering to do a Halloween event at Children's Hospital with one of my organizations. I'm supposed to be Sleeping Beauty. Ironically, I don't sleep much these days. That may be the extent of my involvement for the rest of the semester if I can't get things under wrap.

I realize that if I'm going to survive the next two years of didactic training, I'm really going to need to stop and smell the roses once in awhile. A little attention to myself would go a long way. I need to get back in the gym to help burn off some of this stress. The other day, I actually felt my heart racing in my chest from anxiety. Now that can't be good. I know I need to do it...so let's see how this actually goes.